Our Platform as featured on The Advancements TV Series, Bloomberg

Discover how breakthroughs in technology are improving safety and productivity across several sectors.
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Jupiter, FL— An upcoming segment of Advancements with Ted Danson will explore how innovative tools and technologies are being deployed to eliminate waste and improve safety and productivity for all types of organizations.
“Crowdkeep, is on the cutting edge of innovation but most of all, we are proud that our innovation not only provides economic benefits to our customers but also provides a level of safety in the workplace that has a direct social impact to society.”
Helder Antunes profile pic
Helder F. Antunes
Crowdkeep CEO
“We look forward to sharing how Crowdkeep provides secure, reliable, and lasting solutions for physical spaces and the people within them,”
Helder Antunes profile pic
John Galvin
Senior producer for the
Advancements series
For more information, please visit
With a look at how developments in IoT-based enterprise technology are helping to eliminate tedious processes for employees, while increasing accountability and productivity, the segment will explore how Crowdkeep’s patented software platform works with a variety of sensors and IoT gateways, powered by 5G, Bluetooth 5, mesh technology, and Ubuntu Core, to collect actionable data and improve the speed and accuracy of key operations for various organizations.
Viewers will also learn how Crowdkeep tracks assets and performance in real-time, in a fast-paced environment. Spectators will see how the technology provides both real-time and historical data on temperature, humidity, security, and equipment conditions, and more.

Headquarters: 1003 K St NW, Suite 600, Washington DC,
District of Columbia, 20001, USA
Branch:Rua dos Inventores - Madan Parque
2825-182 Costa de Caparica, PT